PhoneInput API
PhoneInput is a highly customizable phone input component.
Usage Example
Import component
import { PhoneInput } from 'react-international-phone';
Use by providing the defaultCountry, value and onChange callback.
onChange={(phone) => setPhone(phone)}
Prop | Type | Description | Default value |
defaultCountry | CountryIso2 | Default country value (iso2). | "us" |
value | string | Phone value. | "" |
countries | CountryData[] | An array of available countries to select (and guess) | defaultCountries |
hideDropdown | boolean | Hide the dropdown icon. Make country selection not accessible. | false |
placeholder | string | Input's placeholder | undefined |
disabled | boolean | Disable phone input and country selector. | false |
prefix | string | Prefix for phone value. | "+" |
defaultMask | string | This mask will apply on countries that does not have specified mask. | "............" (12 chars) |
charAfterDialCode | string | Char that renders after country dial code. | " " |
historySaveDebounceMS | number | Save value to history if there were not any changes in provided milliseconds timeslot. Undo/redo (ctrl+z/ctrl+shift+z) works only with values that are saved in history | 200 |
disableCountryGuess | boolean | Disable country guess on value change. - onCountryGuess callback would not be called. | false |
disableDialCodePrefill | boolean | Disable dial code prefill on initialization. Dial code prefill works only when "empty" phone value have been provided. | false |
forceDialCode | boolean | Always display the dial code. Dial code can't be removed/changed by keyboard events, but it can be changed by pasting another country phone value. | false |
disableDialCodeAndPrefix | boolean | Phone value will not include passed dialCode and prefix if set to true. - disableCountryGuess value will be ignored and set to true. - forceDialCode value will be ignored and set to false. | false |
showDisabledDialCodeAndPrefix | boolean | Show prefix and dial code between country selector and phone input. - Works only when disableDialCodeAndPrefix is true | false |
flags | CustomFlagImage[] | Custom flag URLs array | undefined |
inputProps | InputHTMLAttributes | Default input component props | undefined |
Event | Type | Description |
onChange | (phone: string, country: { country: ParsedCountry, displayValue: string }) => void | Callback that calls on phone change |
Input events like onFocus
and onBlur
can be passed to the inputProps
Style properties
Prop | Type | Description |
style | CSSProperties | Custom styles for PhoneInput container |
className | string | Custom className for PhoneInput container |
inputStyle | CSSProperties | Custom styles for input field |
inputClassName | string | Custom className for input field |
countrySelectorStyleProps | CountrySelectorStyleProps | Style properties for country selector |
dialCodePreviewStyleProps | DialCodePreviewStyleProps | Style properties for dial code preview |
CSS variables
Variable | Default value |
--react-international-phone-height | 36px |
--react-international-phone-background-color | white |
--react-international-phone-text-color | #222 |
--react-international-phone-font-size | 13px |
--react-international-phone-border-radius | 4px |
--react-international-phone-border-color | gainsboro |
--react-international-phone-disabled-background-color | whitesmoke |
--react-international-phone-disabled-text-color | #666 |
You can find more styling properties and CSS variables in Subcomponents